The QuickPivot Blog

QuickPivot provides fast, powerful, easy to use software for smart marketers with big ideas.

Tips for Retaining Customers After the Holiday Season

With the busy 2019 holiday shopping season coming to a close, retailers can fully set their sights on executing their goals for 2020. While final numbers...

Three Must-Have Customer Data Platform Features in 2020

Customer data platforms continue to grow in popularity because of how they support marketers and simplify data management. The growth in popularity has...

Three Things Marketers Must Do With Customer Data in 2020

Customer data analytics has completely changed how marketers do their jobs and has become critical in marketing's efforts to better connect with...

The State of Customer Data Platforms in 2020

2019 was another big year for the customer data platform (CDP) industry. According to the CDP Institute, the number of worldwide CDP vendors increased to...

Using Customer Data to Improve Customer Retention Efforts

Welcome to the final installment of our 2019 Holiday Shopping Series. In part one, we discussed first-time shoppers and their long-lasting importance to...

Increasing Customer Retention in Retail: The Why and How

In part one of our 2019 Holiday Shopping Series, we delved into some statistics around first-time shoppers and why the holiday shopping season is a great...

First-Time Holiday Shoppers Offer Huge Business Potential

With the holiday shopping season rapidly approaching, retailers are gearing up for their most wonderful time of the year (at least in terms of sales...

Forever 21 Bankruptcy: A Scary Reminder of Retail Challenges

News of the Forever 21 bankruptcy filing in late September 2019 left the retail world a bit spooked, and for good reason. Just four years removed from its...

How to Build a Customer-Centric Approach in Retail

As retailers look to gain a competitive advantage over their rivals in a today’s hyper-competitive environment, customer centricity -- the concept of...

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“QuickPivot's platform offers big data performance showcased in tools like robust cross-channel waterfall counts, real-time lifecycle visualization tools that go beyond the typical flowchart style tools.”

Kelly Dedman, Technology Analyst

“B2C marketers in retail should consider its updated UX, with QuickCollect and QuickTarget for customer segmentation and QuickPalette for campaign workflows.”

Vendor Landscape: CCCM, March 2017

“QuickPivot's platform can help our clients eliminate data silos, reduce wasted efforts and optimize customer data across online and offline channels.”

Lois Brayfield, CEO

“As Allen Edmonds further developed its direct-to-consumer business, we knew that we needed a powerful new marketing platform and a flexible business partner. We found both and more in QuickPivot.”

Colin Hall, Chief Marketing Officer

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