The QuickPivot Blog

QuickPivot provides fast, powerful, easy to use software for smart marketers with big ideas.

The Customer Data Platform Continues to Evolve

Have you recently been looking into ways to improve your marketing personalization or customer targeting capabilities? Or perhaps researching the benefits...

In a Crowded CDP Market, Look for Function over Flashiness

The COVID-19 pandemic will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on the customer mindset. Consumers have lost jobs, savings and trust, and their shopping...

How Retailers Have Adapted During COVID-19 to Survive and Thrive

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented disruption to commerce and the retail industry. Retail sales dropped a record 16.4% in April according...

Why Creating a Unified Customer View is a Priority for Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has been one of the most oft-referenced and widely implemented business trends of the last 20 or so years, and chances are it’s a...

How Channel Integration Benefits Digitally Native Organizations

Over the last 15 years, the retail industry has undergone a major transformation thanks to the growing use of digital shopping channels by an increasing...

Marketers Will Need Customer Data Analytics to Overcome COVID-19

Accurate and actionable customer data is the key to better marketing. This is true in ordinary times, but even more so during challenging ones, like the...

How Retailers can Prepare for the "New Normal"

“When do you think life will get back to normal?”

It’s the question we’ve asked ourselves, our friends, our families, and our coworkers. It’s what we’re...

How to Demonstrate Value During the COVID-19 Crisis

Here in Massachusetts, QuickPivot’s home state, we are almost three weeks into our stay-at-home advisory. However, like many other Americans, QuickPivot...

Why a Unified View of the Customer is Essential in Retail

Forward-thinking organizations know that customer data is the foundation of any successful customer experience strategy. And odds are that if you’re a...

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“QuickPivot's platform offers big data performance showcased in tools like robust cross-channel waterfall counts, real-time lifecycle visualization tools that go beyond the typical flowchart style tools.”

Kelly Dedman, Technology Analyst

“B2C marketers in retail should consider its updated UX, with QuickCollect and QuickTarget for customer segmentation and QuickPalette for campaign workflows.”

Vendor Landscape: CCCM, March 2017

“QuickPivot's platform can help our clients eliminate data silos, reduce wasted efforts and optimize customer data across online and offline channels.”

Lois Brayfield, CEO

“As Allen Edmonds further developed its direct-to-consumer business, we knew that we needed a powerful new marketing platform and a flexible business partner. We found both and more in QuickPivot.”

Colin Hall, Chief Marketing Officer

A Customer Data Platform or Marketing Automation? Find Out Which One You Really Need.

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