Cross-channel Marketing, Customer Experience

Bridging the Online-Offline Marketing Gap

It’s no secret that consumer shopping behavior has changed drastically over the past decade. Consumers are shopping continuously across digital and physical with little consistency. A consumer may see an email promotion for one product but decide to purchase it in a store while they may choose to only shop online for another item.

This makes things complicated for many brands who still have dedicated teams for distinct channels, because how can a brand deliver a seamless experience to customers by siloed teams? The answer is, they can’t.

While most brands today sell their product across a variety of channels, far fewer market their products in a cohesive-cross channel way where a consumer’s behavior in one channel affects their experience in another. If your organization is struggling to integrate its online and offline marketing efforts, here are three ways to remedy the situation:

Break Down Data Silos

Like many organizations, you may have invested in a fair amount of marketing technology which collects a substantial volume of customer data. However, because the data comes from a wide variety of sources and sits in different locations, it often falls under the control of channel-specific teams or IT.

Data silos can prevent you from collating the information required to provide truly personalized experiences across every challenge.

Tools like customer data platforms (CDPs) can collect many types of customer data from multiple sources and put it into a single, marketing-managed database that can be leveraged by any member of the marketing team.

Integrate Your MarTech Stack

There are thousands of marketing technology vendors in the marketplace, which provides a huge number of solutions for practically any marketing challenge, but can also introduce a lot of complexity for organizations that have invested in many different tools.

Just like with siloed data, it’s extremely difficult to execute effective cross-channel campaigns without an integrated martech stack.

Think Holistically About Campaigns

Consider all of your marketing channels as weapons in your arsenal. Individually they can be successful, but it’s even more powerful when they’re working together. Review your customer demographics and look at your data to understand how each marketing channel influences the buyer journey – and this might not be the same for every customer!

Start to map out “if-then” campaigns that involve multiple channels and are tailored to the desires of your customers. Doing so provides a cohesive brand experience to customers, maximizes each of your marketing channels and enables you to deliver the right message at the right time.

A customer data platform like QuickPivot’s can integrate all of your customer data sources and bridge the gap between your online and offline marketing channels, ultimately helping to facilitate cross-channel campaign management and execution.

QuickPivot makes it easy to use the data generated by each channel and have it influence the customer experience across all channels. Making sure that what a customer sees and does on one channel influences what they see and do on others is critical to improving the all-important customer experience and consequently driving more revenue.

Learn more about how QuickPivot can help you achieve cross-channel success.

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