Cross-channel Marketing, Customer Data

Keep Siloed MarTech Data from Derailing Your Cross-Channel Marketing Strategy

Cross-channel Marketing, Customer Data | September 01, 2020

More than any other point in time, marketing revolves around the consumer. Today’s consumers have more brands and goods to choose from than ever before, as well as more buying options and ways to discover new brands and products thanks to a wide variety of digital channels available. This has led to an increasingly complex customer journey that can now begin and end on any channel, offline or online, and take them down any number of winding paths in between. 

As a result, marketers must now have a strategy in place that delivers their messages and content on all of these channels and in a manner that accounts for each customer's unique path-to-purchase while still moving overall marketing goals forward (increasing sales, improving customer engagement, increasing customer loyalty, etc.). Additionally, this strategy must also focus on providing the best customer experience possible, something that's become hugely important to today's consumers. And In today's marketing world, providing a superior customer experience means personalization and targeting -- delivering relevant messages and content on the right channel(s) to the right customer(s) at the right time.

With these factors in mind, there's one strategy that stands out from the rest: cross-channel marketing. In cross-channel marketing, each of your marketing channels play off of one another to deliver messages and content based on specific interactions had with your customers in other channels. The goal of this approach is for all of your channels -- both offline and digital -- to work together to take your customers on a seamless journey and ultimately drive your customers towards a purchase. It's the perfect strategy to handle the unpredictable and varied journeys today's customers take while prioritizing their experience with your brand.

But in order to provide such a seamless journey with personalized content, cross-channel marketing requires accurate, complete, and up-to-date customer records in order to ensure relevant messages and offers that reach your customers in a timely and cohesive manner. Now you may be thinking, “No sweat. The systems in my MarTech stack are taking care of this for me.” Well, not so fast. Because these systems all operate independently of one another and only collect and store data on the specific touchpoint(s) they’re designed to support, the reality is that your records are siloed in your various MarTech systems. This is bad news for marketers because disparate customer records can lead to a whole host of issues, including inaccurate customer engagement metrics, inaccurate understanding of customer personas, miscalculated ROI, and more. 

Learn how you can eliminate data silos in your MarTech stack

Any one of the aforementioned issues on its own can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of your cross-channel campaigns, but together they can completely up-end your entire marketing strategy. So to help you prevent that from happening and keep your cross-channel campaigns on-track, our latest whitepaper, "Breaking Down MarTech Silos," looks at:

  • What makes a cross-channel strategy the best approach for engaging today’s consumers;
  • The important role customer data management plays in cross-channel marketing; and
  • How the right customer data platform eliminates and prevents MarTech data silos and helps you achieve your marketing goals.

Download your free copy now and stop data silos from derailing your cross-channel marketing efforts. 

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